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hacker2年前 (2022-06-24)黑客教程91



Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in

and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because

weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is

and summer. In

flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually

weather can make people happy while rainy or

or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in

weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,




,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。 同意就采纳吧,谢谢了~


Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的更好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。




sunny windy cloudy rainy snowy 等等


给我 弄个关于天气的手抄报行吗 ? 英语的

Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one.


It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了。It looks as if it’s going to rain. 像要下雨了。It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。It’s beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。It’s clearing up. 天放晴了。It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 明天将是个晴天。It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。I think there’ll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这雨会下个整天了。We’re going to have a snowfall today. 今天会下雪了。The rainis setting in. 雨下起来了。I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴结果是个好天。I’m so sorry it has turned out wet. 真遗憾结果是个下雨天。I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天会一直晴下去。I hope the weather stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。The rainhas stopped. 雨停了。Lovely day [weather], isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗?Nice and warm today, isn’t it? 今天挺暖和的,是吗?Very hot today, isn’t it? 今天很热,是吗?Rather cold today, isn’t it? 今天很冷,是吗?Terrible weather, isn’t it? 天气真糟,是吗?Pretty warm, isn’t it? 挺暖和的,是吗?Isn’t it lovely weather? 天气真好。Isn’t it a lovely day? 天气真好。It’s raining heavily. 雨下得真大。It’s much colder than (it was) yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。It’s rather windy today. 今天风很大。It’s quite cool here in August. 这里八月份很凉快。What a lovely day! 天气真好。What fine weather we’re having! 天气真好。


Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的更好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。




“世界天气手抄报英语内容(英语手抄报关于天气的)” 的相关文章

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2年前 (2022-06-24)

of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I t

2年前 (2022-06-25)

weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜

2年前 (2022-06-24)

stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。The rainhas stopped. 雨停了。Lovely day [we

2年前 (2022-06-24)

erywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early

2年前 (2022-06-24)

spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In


