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英语口语考试 关于介绍 问候 天气的三人对话 每人5句 5 分钟

A: It is so cold today. How do you think of it?

B: I hate it.

C: Sorry to hear that. But we have to go to school as before.

D:Yes. Hope it will be sunny soon.

A: I do not hope so. But hope it will snow tomorrow. I like snow very much.

B:It is romantic. But this kind of waether make me feel bad.

C:I had a bad cold because of it.

D:You should go to see the doctor. Soon we are going to take the final examination.

C:Good idea. But I would rather stay here. Which make me feel better.


Three clas *** ates in New York University Stern Business School, talking about the weather and health… Nancy is from Nanjing, Holly from Hong Kong and Betty is from Beijing. N: It is very hot today, isn’t it? B: Yes. It’s 95 degrees. H: It’s considered very normal in Hong Kong. B: That’s true, but not in Beijing. N: I don’t like working when it’s hot. Worse, I do not eating. B: It’s true. It’s good since I could lose some weight. H: But we would need to spend more money on iced drinks and ice cream. N: I hate a hot weather, too. Although Nanjing is hot, too and I’ve been there over 20 years, I’m not used to it yet. But hot weather helps. H: What is that? N: That ends my three-month old hay fever. H: Hay fever? B: Yes, me too. Let me tell since you’re new here, Holly. You might be experiencing next year. It’s kind of allergies. You would keep sneezing, coughing, eye watering, eye itching, and more. H: Really? It’s new to me. N: Let me tell you about it in more detail. Everybody is allergic to something that is unique to different people. In the USA, there are a lot of trees, grasses and weeds. They produce a lot of pollen, during the spring and early summer when they are active. When the weather is dry, the pollen flies in the air. We will breathe the air together with the pollen. Our immunity is unique and has been trained and get used to the surrounding, including the pollen. When we move to the USA, we need to take time to adjust our immunity system to the new pollen. During the adjustment period that may take over a dozen of years, we need to live with the hay fever. H: So what should we do? B: Sty inside. Keep doors and window closed. Take some over the counter medicine. H: Thank you! N: Now it’s the summer. We do not to worry about it. B: We would worry about the air-conditioning. If you use too much AC, it’s noisy and I cannot sleep well when it’s nosy. H: It’s expensive, too. N: So we keep the AC in moderate level. B: I do not like working when it is hot. I am slow. My mom prepared a lot of vegetable foods for me when I am home in Beijing. I miss her more now. H: Be careful when using AC. We keep moving inside and outside, changing from building to building. Each room and building has its temperature that is totally different from the outside natural temperature. We are very much subject to a cold. I don’t want to see a doctor here. It’s too expensive and time consuming. N: Yes, it’s a big deal. B: I keep a long-sleeve shirt in my bag. I use when needed. H: That is great idea. N: We will survive the seasons here. 


A: it's a nice day today, isn't it?

B: Yup, if only it's like this everyday.

C: That would be wonderful.

A: since the weather is so nice today, shall we do something together?

C: I wouldn't want to be indoors on such a day, so, why not?

B: shall we have a picnic?

AC: sure, that's a good idea.


A:Good morning! Lilei.

B:Good morning!Lily.

A:It's a nice day today.

B:yes,The cloudless sky.

A:Now the holiday, do you have any good suggestions?

B:I think

C:Lily,Lilei,What are you doing?

A,B:Oh,Lucy.You came.We want to have a holiday now the weather is so good to do

C:So ah.I have a good idea.


C:We go to the amusement park to play.ok?

A,B:Good idea.Let's go.

















HANS:Where do you come from?

DIMITRI:I come from Greece.

HANS:What's the climate like in your country?

DIMITRI:It's very pleasant.

HANS:What's the weather like in spring?

DIMITRI:It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.

HANS:What's it like in summer?

DIMITRI:It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.

HANS:Is it cold or warm in autumn?

DIMITRI:It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

HANS:Is it very cold in winter?

DIMITRI:It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes .





“关于天气的三人英语对话(关于天气的三人英语对话六年级)” 的相关文章

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2年前 (2022-06-30)

or warm in autumn? DIMITRI:It's always warm in September and October. It's ofte

2年前 (2022-06-30)

in Beijing. I miss her more now. H: Be careful when using AC. We keep moving inside and outside

2年前 (2022-06-30)

the holiday, do you have any good suggestions?B:I thinkC:Lily,Lilei,What are you doing?A,B:Oh,Lucy.You came.We want


