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hacker2年前 (2022-07-01)黑客技术86



I like sunny best.I can sit in the sun shine,enjoy the plesent weather.I can go to the park with my friends,have picnics with my family,read a novel(or book) and drink tea.In such a plesent weather,we can do a lot of things.That's why I like sunny weather best!


I like to play outdoor sports with my friends and my favorite one is basketball. So I really don't like raining days. On raining days I can't go to the basketball court to play my favorite sport. Also when the air is humid it doesn't *** elled good sometimes.

My favorite weather is on sunny days because I can go outside and have fun with my friends. I also like everything on sunny days, for example: white clouds, the blue sky and the shining sun. That is the reason why my favorite season is summer because every day is the sunny day.

In one word I hate raining days because I can't do anything on those days. I like sunny days because I can go to the places I like and play the sports I love. I hope every day can be sunny. Sunny days, I am coming.









I like to do outdoor sports with my friends. My favorite is basketball. So I really don't like rainy days. I can't go to the basketball court to play my favorite sport on a rainy day.


And when the air is wet, sometimes it tastes bad. My favorite weather is sunny, because I can go out and play with my friends.


I also like everything on sunny days, such as white clouds, blue sky and brilliant sun. That's why my favorite season is summer, because it's sunny every day.


In a word, I hate rainy days because I can't do anything in those days.


I like sunny days, because I can go to my favorite place and do my favorite sports.


I hope it will be sunny every day. I'm here on a sunny day.


六年级一篇英语作文 《我最喜欢的天气》 60字以上, 要朗朗上口的 好的话我会加分的

My favorite weather

I like sunny,especially a sunny day after a rainy day.Then ,there will be a rainboat.And the air is much cleaner.I particularly like the blue sky with white wind.Everything is pretty.I always invite some friends to go to the mountain.The most interesting thing is having the picnic.We really have a good time.What a happy day!




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2年前 (2022-07-01)

uds, the blue sky and the shining sun. That is the reason why my favorite season is summer because every day is the sunn

2年前 (2022-07-01)

本文目录一览:1、初一英语作文,我喜欢的天气2、自己喜欢的天气英语作文100词3段3、今天没有下雨,没有寒冷的天气,一切都很好,我很喜欢这种天气英语句子翻译4、我喜欢的天气的英语作文30句话5、六年级一篇英语作文 《我最喜欢的天气》 6


