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hacker2年前 (2022-07-02)网络黑客76



Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china 's air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.

Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weather

To settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of *** all particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 's daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze.

Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.



?pwd=fyec 提取码: fyec  

求英语作文 关于 :某地区恶劣天气的。

There are four seasons in a year in JIlin—spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather is warmer. Summer comes after spring. It is the hot season. It often sunny and sometimes rains. Autumn is a busy season. It is cool and warm. Winter is cold.


I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. Some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.




?pwd=gskv 提取码: gskv  




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2年前 (2022-07-02)

xhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.我喜欢骑自行车上学,因为我可以通过骑车保持健康。北京依然流行自

2年前 (2022-07-02)

d.关于天气的英语作文(五年级)I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in

2年前 (2022-07-03)

体的范文模板链接:?pwd=gskv 提取码: gskv  

2年前 (2022-07-02)

g, the weather is warmer. Summer comes after spring. It is the hot season. It often sunny and sometime

2年前 (2022-07-03)

ore strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 's daily action and the i


