I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. Some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.
?pwd=gskv 提取码: gskv
Today's weather is very good,it's sunny,in this weather,we are feeling good like spring.
My hometown lies in the south of Changjiang River. In spring, the weather in my hometown is very comfortbable,neither too hot nor too cold.It is very suitable for human living there.
But in summer, it will become more and more hoter.And the highest temperature is about over 38℃.But the autumn is very nice. And the winter isn't too bad .It seldom snows,about one or two tims only a year. And while it snows in winter,my hometown will become a sea of white.
The weather is nice in Nanjing in April. It is not hot or cold. It is Spring, the best season of a year. Everyone feels very comfortable in this kind of weather. A lot of people start to have outdoor activities. Some are flying kites in the park,others are rowing boats on the lake. People start putting on their nice light dresses. They enjoy the nice weather .
Atlassian解决了其Jira Seraph软件中的一个严重漏洞,该漏洞编号为CVE-2022-0540(CVSS 评分 9.9),未经身份验证的攻击者可以利用该漏洞绕过身份验证。威胁参与者可以通过向易受攻击的软件发送特制的HTTP 请求来触发漏洞。 该漏洞会对Jira软件多版本产生影响,比如...
新的研究表明,黑客经常使用相同的常用密码,通常是默认密码获得服务器的访问权。来自Bulletproof的数据还显示,在黑客使用的顶级默认凭证列表中,默认的Raspberry Pi用户名和登录信息占据了突出位置。 在整个2021年,利用蜜罐进行的研究表明,目前总网络活动的70%是机器人流量。随着黑客越...
NSO集团用于入侵iPhone的间谍软件Pegasus陷入了另一桩间谍丑闻,该监视工具被用来对付西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的民间社会和政治人物的设备。继2020年2020年的一份报告称加泰罗尼亚高级政治家Roger Torrent和支持独立的人通过WhatsApp成为“政府级间谍软件”的目标后,Citiz...
根据 CrowdStrike 的威胁遥测数据,在 2021 年针对 Linux 发行版本(被物联网设备广泛部署)的恶意软件数量比 2020 年增加了 35%。其中 XorDDoS、Mirai 和 Mozi 这前三个恶意软件家族在 2021 年占所有基于 Linux 的 IoT 恶意软件的 22%。...
一家位于美国的电脑零售公司成为SideWalk攻击的目标,这种攻击以前从未被发现,是一个中国高级黑客组织最近开展的活动一部分,该组织主要以专门针对东亚和东南亚实体的网络攻击而闻名。 斯洛伐克网络安全公司ESET在持续跟踪名为SparklingGoblin的高级威胁过程当中发现了这个攻击,被认为与Wi...
Hackernews 编译,转载请注明出处: 我们发现一个以前未知的rootkit,它瞄准了惠普企业的Integrated Lights Out(iLO)服务器管理技术,并进行攻击,篡改固件模块并彻底清除受感染系统中的数据。 伊朗网络安全公司Amnpardaz本周记录了这一发现,这是iLO固件中...