篇一:Weather Forecast-天气预报
Let's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours.Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight.A strong wind would reach Datong,which could cause much rain,The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six.Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree.Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two.We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng.Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.
篇二:天气预报Weather Report
Good evening !Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi.Nanning is sunny.It is hot with the temperature from 20℃ to29℃.In Guilin,its temperature is arranged from 8℃to 13℃.It’s cold in the morning and at night.peole should wear more clothes in case of catching cold.Liuzhou is cloudy in the daytime and has a strong wind during the night time with the temperature from 11℃to 15℃.There will be beautiful sunshine in Wuzhou.People will feel comfortable to go out as the temperature is from 15℃to 22℃.That’s the weather report for today .Thank you for listening .
The weather forecast 天气预报Good morning !Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world .Beijing is cloudy .It’s very cold,so wear warm clothes when you go out .In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂).People will feel cool in the daytime.It is sunny in New York ,but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon.It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.That’s the weather report for today .Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)
Weather Forecast
A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the coulds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.
时间 天气情况 温度
今天晚上 有雨,部分地区有大雨 2~9
明天上午 有云,风向偏东,风力不大 9~12
明天下午 晴天 12~16
It shows that it will be sunny in most part of China tomorrow ,and this kind of weather will go on for 3 to 5 days。But in southern area will have light rain ,the temperature will be 15 to 19 centigrade. We hope that people should can take umbrella when you go out .
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