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hacker2年前 (2022-07-07)渗透破解72



Beijing is in the national climate division in the semi-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone. However, the complexity within the landscape, mountain peaks and plains of disparity between the relative height, which cause significant climate vertical zones. Roughly to 700-800 meters above sea level for the sector, this sector the following to the plains, for the warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate; this sector over the mountains to temperate semi-humid - semi-arid monsoon climate; about the elevation of 1,600 meters above the semi-humid to cold temperate - humid monsoon climate.


1、meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 ightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱

2、冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 季风气候 monsoon climate 闪电 lightning 微风 gentle breeze 和风 moderate breeze 甘霖 welcome rain 冰柱 icicle 疾风 near gale 大风 gale

3、mild温暖 cool凉爽cloudy多云overcast/dull/gloomy阴天 snowy有雪foggy有雾frosty霜冻chilly微冷misty薄雾 damp潮湿wet雨天drizzle小雨 shower阵雨 thundery shower雷阵雨pour/downpour大雨storm暴风雨 thundery storm雷雨sleet雨夹雪 light snow 小雪 blizzard暴风雪hail/hailstone冰雹 windy有风 breezy微风阵阵 gentle wind和风 gale wind 大风 heavy/high wind大风 windy and dusty风沙 stormy wind暴风 gust阵风 piercing wind寒风



The weather in my hometown

My hometown is in Huizhou ,That is a beautiful city.

In spring,the weather is warm and

sometimes raining.In summer ,the weather is not cold and not

warm,it’s hot.In fall,is a good season,the

weather is cool.In winter,the weather is very cold and dry.

I like fall best,bacause I can fly。


Lanzhou is situated in the temperate zone and enjoys a semi-arid climate (Köppen BSk) with hot summers and very cold and dry winters. Mean annual rainfall is 315 millimetres (12.4 in), almost all of which falls from May to October. The winters are so dry that snow is extremely rare.

In regard to air pollution Lanzhou has some of the worst air quality of all cities in China. According to the Black *** ith Institute, Lanzhou is one of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, with its TSP (total suspended particle) rating 247% above that of the Gansu State recommendation. The air quality is so poor that at times one can not see Lanshan, the mountain rising straight up along the south side of the city. At one point, a controversial suggestion was put forward to bulldoze a mountain adjacent to the city, in order to let fresh air in to the bowl where Lanzhou is situated. It was suggested on the premise that the surrounding mountains block a free flow of air in the city. The city is located in a narrow river valley with an unfortunate curve causing it to be hemmed in with no free air flow. Lanzhou is also the home of many factories, including some involved in petroleum processing, and suffers from large dust storms kicked up from the Gobi Desert, especially in the winter and spring.

The reach of the Yellow River at Lanzhou carries a high load of silt, giving the river its characteristic muddy appearance; however water quality in this reach is better than the "fetid outflow that barely passes for water two hours downstream"




My hometown lies in the south of Changjiang River. In spring, the weather in my hometown is very comfortbable,neither too hot nor too cold.It is very suitable for human living there.


But in summer, it will become more and more hoter.And the highest temperature is about over 38℃.But the autumn is very nice. And the winter isn't too bad .It seldom snows,about one or two tims only a year. And while it snows in winter,my hometown will become a sea of white.




My hometown has all four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. We girls wear different clothes in each season. It's very cold in winter, so we need heavy sweaters and wool skirts. We like spring. We take off our heavy coats and sweaters then. In spring we wear light skirts. The weather often changes in spring. It's not too hot and it's not too cold.

In summer we put on light clothing. We need cool clothing. The weather doesn't change much. It's always hot. It's cool in fall. The weather often changes. Girls wear light coats and sweaters.

Every season is nice. I like them all.








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2年前 (2022-07-07)

ina. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Lanzhou is one of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, with its TSP (total suspended particle) ratin

2年前 (2022-07-07)

lies in the south of Changjiang River. In spring, the weather in my hometown is very comfortbable,neither

2年前 (2022-07-07)

象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist

2年前 (2022-07-07)

causing it to be hemmed in with no free air flow. Lanzhou is also the home of many factories, includin

2年前 (2022-07-07)

e vertical zones. Roughly to 700-800 meters above sea level for the sector, this sector the following to the plains, for


