Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in
and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because
weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is
and summer. In
flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually
weather can make people happy while rainy or
or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in
weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,
,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。 同意就采纳吧,谢谢了~
Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的更好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。
准备好 *** 材料:纸张、各种画笔,画面与文字搭配上,图片加英文形式进行编排,可以画一些背景的颜色和喜欢的图案即可。
绘本是精美图画与简单文字互动的艺术,图画不是文字的点缀,当我们 *** 天气绘本的时候我们可以添加一些白云,雨水,冰雹或雪花之类的天气图案,以便更好的辉映主题。
还可以 *** 本地天气卡片,可以这样做,打开自己的手机,点击天气APP,点击页面右上角的小三点拓展按键,然后点击分享天气按键,最后就会可以生成当地的天气卡片。如果想 *** 儿童天气卡片,直接对着手机生成的卡片,用儿童通俗易懂的方式画下来就行。
When it is summer in JiangNan,the weather changes very quick.Maybe
in the morning,you feel it is cloudy and decide to go shopping
then.After lunch,it has been dark outside.But the rain goes like it
comes.Only a little minutes,the sun comes out.You can go shogging then
if you are not afraid of the hot summer.
据报道,犯罪黑客正在通过一种有效的、狡猾的技术用偷来的执法部门的电子邮件从大型科技公司、ISP、运营商和社交媒体公司窃取用户数据。据网络安全记者Brian Krebs称,更具体地说,攻击者显然正在伪装成执法官员以获取传票特权数据。 一般来说,他们使用被破坏的执法部门电子邮件账户。 这种策略还依赖于...
上周,Chrome Security 团队的 Adrian Taylor,在一篇谷歌安全博客文章中解释了“为何在野外被利用的 CVE 漏洞似乎有所增加”。对于这种漏洞利用的可见性增长趋势,归咎于多个方面的因素。而谷歌旗下的 Project Zero 团队,也有对包括 WebKit、IE、Flash、...
微软今天宣布近日捣毁了一个名为 ZLoader 的主要犯罪僵尸网络,这也是使用 XLM 宏作为攻击面的僵尸网络之一。微软的最新行动包括技术和法律活动,以破坏利用 ZLoader 作为恶意软件即服务(malware-as-a-service)的犯罪集团的运作。 在本次捣毁行动中,微软还锁定了一位开发...
Krebs On Security 周二警告称:黑客正越来越多地利用受感染的政府和警察部门的电子邮件账户,以从移动运营商、互联网服务提供商(ISP)和社交媒体公司榨取敏感的客户信息。周四,美国参议院内精通技术的议员之一表示,其对这份报告感到很是不安,并且已向科技企业和联邦机构发去询问,以了解此类活动...
Hackernews 编译,转载请注明出处: 西班牙国家警察局(National Police ía Nacional)上周表示,该局捣毁了一个未命名的网络犯罪组织,并逮捕了8名涉嫌与一系列以金融欺诈为目的的 SIM 卡调换攻击有关的罪犯。 犯罪团伙的嫌疑人伪装成银行和其他组织有信任力的代表,使用...
美国参议院议员开始注意到关于黑客伪造”紧急数据请求”以获取苹果等科技公司数据的报道,其中一位开始调查隐私问题。3月29日,一份报告显示,黑客正在利用其所俘获的政府和警察电子邮件账户,使他们能够假装成执法官员。通过使用电子邮件账户和连接服务,黑客能够在某些情况下向科技公司索取数据。 具体来说,黑客们...