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hacker2年前 (2022-07-15)黑客教程102



There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.

I like summer.Summer is hot,but I like swimming in the pool in summer.It's very well.In summer,the weather is hot and dry.You must wear T-shirt with sunglasses.We can swimming in the river.

I like summer!USA puweixin tianmao



I like to do outdoor sports with my friends. My favorite is basketball. So I really don't like rainy days. I can't go to the basketball court to play my favorite sport on a rainy day.


And when the air is wet, sometimes it tastes bad. My favorite weather is sunny, because I can go out and play with my friends.


I also like everything on sunny days, such as white clouds, blue sky and brilliant sun. That's why my favorite season is summer, because it's sunny every day.


In a word, I hate rainy days because I can't do anything in those days.


I like sunny days, because I can go to my favorite place and do my favorite sports.


I hope it will be sunny every day. I'm here on a sunny day.



It is the day that the families get together.

The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new year's first day is the new year's eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new year's dinner,wish each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to them as a lunar new year gift.

求一篇关于天气的英语小作文! 写自己城市的天气,内容差不多是:(我的城市一月……二月……)

Our hometownis Guangzhou.In Guangzhou there are four seasons in a year.In the spring the weather is warm,we can play in the park.In summer it's hot and sunny ,we can wear T-shirt,swim in the swimming pool and we can eat ice-crean.It's usually cool in autumn,so we can fly kite in the park.And it's very cold in winter,we cansit by fire,but we can't make snowmen.Why?because it's never snowys in Guangzhou!


Hello, let me introduce the weather of our city.

There are four seasons in our city, they are sping, summer, autumn and winter. Sping is from February to May. When sping comes, every thing is green. And it's warm but windy. Summer is from June to August. It is the hottest season. It often rains.Autumn is cool,it is from September to November. When winter comes,it's coldand it ofen snows,and we can play with snow. I love winter.




“用英语写自己喜欢的城市的天气(用英语写一篇你喜欢的天气)” 的相关文章

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2年前 (2022-07-15)

以出去和朋友们玩。I also like everything on sunny days, such as white clouds, blue sky and brilliant sun.

2年前 (2022-07-15)

去我喜欢的地方,做我喜欢的运动。I hope it will be sunny every day. I'm here on a sunny day.我希望每天都能阳光明媚。阳光明媚的日子,我来了。用英语写一段40个词左右的短文,向大家介绍一下你所在


