Summer is very hot, so we can wear thin clothes: like jacket, skirts, shorts。
Spring weather warmed, so we can wear:as shirt, thin dress, thin T-shirt。
Fall weather is getting cold, so we can wear:As the short suits, T-shirts, casual wear。
Winter is very cold, so we can wear : like coat, thick coat, sweater
I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. Some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.
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The weather in Bejing
The weather in Bejing is not predictable,but strongly linked to air polution.In July,a friend from California told me" the air is so heavy that a knife can't cut through it".He described the weather in July exactly.In August,he visited Beijing again and told me " the air is much light than it was in July".I agreed and feeled like I can enjoy the best season in Beijing.Now,with the approching of September,the steaming hot air revisits Beijing.Feeling hard to breathe.
Beijing winter weather can also be,not very cold.Temperature at zero,the sweater coat or down jacket to add,as many wear,cold can not,unless you physically very cold.Is that the weather was very dry,more bad skin,if you normal wear contact lenses,then it might be advisable not to wear a very warm indoor ...Beijing's weather is also very dry,James points out emollient supplies,otherwise the skin will become very dry.
Wuhan, my hometown, is warm in spring and everything begins to grow.
Summer is the hottest season. Many people go swimming in the Yangtze River.
Autumn in Wuhan is neither cold nor hot like spring.
Wuhan is very cold in winter, sometimes it snows.
People put on thick clothes.
Hackernews 编译,转载请注明出处: SonicWall 发布了安全更新,其中包含一个跨多个防火墙设备的关键漏洞,未经身份验证的远程攻击者可以将其武器化,以执行任意代码并导致拒绝服务(DoS)情况。 根据CVE-2022-22274 (CVSS 得分: 9.4)的跟踪记录,...
新的研究表明,黑客经常使用相同的常用密码,通常是默认密码获得服务器的访问权。来自Bulletproof的数据还显示,在黑客使用的顶级默认凭证列表中,默认的Raspberry Pi用户名和登录信息占据了突出位置。 在整个2021年,利用蜜罐进行的研究表明,目前总网络活动的70%是机器人流量。随着黑客越...
在最新活动中,恶意软件 Magniber 利用虚假的 Windows 10 更新实现传播。这款恶意软件非常善于紧跟最新时事进行传播,在 2021 年使用 PrintNightmare 漏洞来感染受害者;在 2022 年 1 月,它再次通过 Edge 和 Chrome 浏览器进行传播。 援引科...
近期,QNAP发布了几项安全公告,其中一项针对严重的安全问题,该问题允许在易受攻击的QVR系统上远程执行任意命令,该公司的视频监控解决方案托管在NAS设备上。QVR IP视频监控系统支持多重频道和跨平台视频解码,专为监控家庭和办公环境而设计。该漏洞编号为CVE-2022-27588,严重程度得分为...
一位研究人员将苹果公司的一个AirTags发送到德国一个神秘的”联邦机构”,以确定其真正的办公室,并帮助证明它确实是一个情报机构的一部分。苹果公司的AirTags已经在涉及追踪个人的案件中被用得有声有色,但现在一位德国研究人员在揭露政府机密时使用了一个。 活动家Lilith Wittmann声称,...
根据医疗网络安全公司Cynerio的一份新报告,医院中使用的互联网连接设备有一半以上存在漏洞,可能会危及病人安全、机密数据或设备的可用性。 该报告分析了全球300多家医院和医疗机构的1000多万台设备的数据,该公司通过连接到设备上的连接器收集这些数据,作为其安全平台的一部分。 医院里最常见的互联网...