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Lesson 1 Skirt and Trousers


1. skirt 裙子

2. shirt衬衫


4. trousers 裤子

5. T-shirt t恤


( C )1. A. red B. yellow C. favourite D. green

( C )2. A. shirt B. skirt C. wear D. trousers

( D )3. A. he B. she C. it D. my

( A )4. A. is B. this C. these D. that

( C )5. A. what B. who C. white D. where


( B )1. These are white .

A. skirt B. trousers C. trouser

( B )2. He is a white shirt.

A. wear B. wearing C. wears

( C )3. ——What is it? ——It a sweater.

A. am B. are C. is

( A )4. is she wearing?

A .What B. Who C. Where

( A )5. a yellow dress.

A. This is B. They are C. These are


1. she, wearing, What, is (? ) What is she wearing?

2. wearing, He, red, is, trousers (.) He is wearing red trousers.

3. Blue, my, favourite, is, colour (.) Blue is my favourite colour.

4. is, a, white, This, sweater (.) This is a white sweater.


I am Liu Ping. ③I live in Beijing . ①I am nine years old. ②My favourite colors is orange. I am wearing an orange skirt. I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She lives in Canada. ④Her favaurite is blue. ⑤She is wearing a blue Tshirt. We are good friends.

(1) Liu Ping is ten. 错

(2) Liu Ping’s favourite color si black. 错

(3) Liu Ping livers in Canada. 错 Lily’s favourite color is blue. 对

(5) Lily is wearing a blue Tshirt. 对


1. 新的 new

2. 旧的 old

3. 长裤 trousers

4. 衬衫 shirt

5. 毛衣 sweater


A. new B. These C.It D. nice E. are

(E)1. Look at the pens. They _________old.

(B)2. __________are green pencils.

(D)3. This is a new shirt. It is__________.

(C)4. I like blue.____________is my favourite colour.

(A)5. He likes his ___________sweater and doesn’t like the old one.


( B )1. 当你告诉朋友“它是妈妈送给我的生日礼物。”时,你可以说:__________

A. It is a birthday gift for my mum.

B. It is a birthday gift from my mum.

( A )2. 你想知道姐姐穿的毛衣是不是新的,你可以问:__________

A. Is it new? B. Is it old?

( A )3. 当你告诉朋友“它们是我最喜欢的裤子。”时,可以说:__________

A. They are my favourite trousers.

B. They are my favourite colours.

( B )4. 当你告诉朋友你喜欢她的短裙时,你可以说:___________

A. I like your shirt. B. I like your skirt.

( A )5. 当你夸奖朋友的裤子真漂亮时,你可以说:___________

A. They are nice! B. It is nice!


1. is, This, new, a, sweater (.) This is a new sweater.

2. like, T-shirt, new, I, your (.) I like your new T-shirt.

3. skirt, old, an, is, This (.) This is an old skirt.

4. are, Those, new, trousers (.) Those are new trousers.

5. It, is, gift, my, father, from, a (.) It is a gift from my father.


1. an old T-shirt 一件旧T恤

2. a new sweater 一件新毛衣

3. 生日礼物 birthday gift

4. 我喜欢你的毛衣 I like your sweater

5. It’s my birthday gift. 这是我的生日礼物。


1. These are( an )old sweater.

2. This is ( a )new skirt.

3. It’s (my ) birthday gift.

4. They (are ) nice.

5. They are my favourite( trousers).


1. sweater 2. scarf 3. gloves 4. cap 5. coat


( A ) 1. These_________new skirts.

A. are B. is C. am

( C ) 2. 一Is this her skirt? 一Yes,_______.

A. they aren’t B. they are C. it is

( C ) 3. _______ is she wearing?

A. Where B. Who C. What

( B ) 4. The blue gloves are _________.

A. Li Tao B. Li Tao’s C. Li Mings

( A ) 5. 一__________these your trousers? 一Yes, they are.

A. Are B. Is C. Was


1. 一Is this a cap?

一 Yes, it is.

2. 一Are these gloves?

一No, they aren’t.

3. 一Is this a coat?

一No,it isn’t.

4. 一Are these shoes?

一Yes, they are .


1. hat, your, this, is (?) Is this your hat?

2. this, her, is, dress (?) Is this her dress?

3. shoes, are, these, your (?) Are these your shoes?

4. his, shorts, these, are (?) Are these his shorts?

5. dress, her, is, this (?) Is this her dress?


wearing nice this those

1. What is he wearing ?

2. This is an orange scarf.

3. Those are black gloves.

4. I like it. It’s nice .


1. He is wearing a red cap, a blue coat, black trousers and yellow gloves.


2. She is wearing a green sweater, an orange skirt and a brown scarf.


3. 这是你的毛衣吗?

Is this your sweater?

4. 我很喜欢她穿的毛衣,非常漂亮。

I like her sweater very much. It's very beautiful.


1. 袜子 socks

2. 鞋子shoes

3. 衣服dress

4. 短裤shorts


( A )1. I have_______(一双新袜子).

A. new socks B. a new sock C. a new socks

( C )2. She is wearing_______(一条新连衣裙).

A. a new skirt B. a new shirt C. a new dress

( B )3. Are these________(你的) shoes?

A. you B. your C. yours

( B )4. What’ s__________(他) wearing?

A. she B. he C. his

( B )5. _______they wearing shorts today?

A. Is B. Are C. Am


1. Is this your coat? (作肯定回答) Yes, it is.

2. Is this her scarf? (作否定回答) No, it isn’t.

3. Are these his gloves? (作肯定回答) Yes, they are.

4. Are these your caps? (作否定回答) No,they aren’t.


( A )1. ①This ②are my new ③socks. ①改These

( D )2. ①Are ②these your shorts? No, ③it’s not mine. ③改they’re


1.他们穿着什么? What are they wearing?

2.她穿着一条连衣裙。She is wearing a dress.

3.这是她的新短裤吗? Is this her new shorts?

4.她穿着一件大衣。She is wearing a coat.


(B)1. This is a new dress.

(A)2. He is cool.

(C)3. What are they wearing?








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