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hacker2年前 (2022-06-20)黑客教程104





如果你在室内,一定要远离窗户和门,不要洗澡或者洗盘子,因为雷电会因为水导电而被电击。关掉电脑和电视,不要用手机。雷电会通过 *** 线而受到伤害。

如果你在室外,不要在大树下避雨,因为雷电会电击大树然后传到你的身体。远离金属的东西。尽量呆在车里并关闭窗户,或者去附近的楼房里避雨。如果附近没有建筑物,尽量找地势低的地方。可以蹲下身子用手捂住耳朵。也不要用投币 *** 。



63为什么雷雨天气不能洗澡或者洗盘子等because the lightning can travel through the water

64在室外遇到雷雨天气,你旁边有个车,你会怎么做stay in the car

65雷雨天气可以用投币 *** 吗?no


Matters needing attention when lightning occurs

1. 切勿接触天线、水管、铁丝网、金属门窗、建筑物外墙等带电设备或其他类似金属装置。不要收晒衣绳或铁丝上的衣服。不要从事栅栏、 *** 或输电线、管道或建筑钢材等安装工作。切勿处理开口容器盛载的易燃物品。

1 do not touch the antenna, pipe, wire, metal doors and windows, the external walls of buildings and other equipment charged metal or other similar device. Don't accept a clothesline or wire. Do not engage in the fence, telephone or power lines, pipelines or construction of steel and other installation work. Do not handle open containers for storage of flammable liquids.

2. 不要或减少使用 *** 和手提 *** 。不宜停留在铁栅栏、金属晒衣绳、架空金属体以及铁轨附近。切勿站立于山顶、楼顶上或接近导电性高的物体。不宜进入和靠近无防雷设施的建筑物、车库、车棚、临时棚屋、岗亭等低矮建筑。

2 don't or reduce the use of telephone and mobile phone. Should not remain in the iron fence, metal clothesline, overhead tracks near the metal body and. Do not stand on the top of the hill, on or near the high conductive objects. Not to enter and near without lightning protection facilities building, garage, carport, temporary huts, boxes and other low rise buildings.

3. 切勿游泳或从事其他水上运动或活动。不宜停留在游泳池、湖泊、海滨、水田等地和小船上。不宜进行室外球类运动。在空旷场地不宜打伞。不宜把锄头、铁锹、羽毛球拍、钓鱼杆、高尔夫球杆等扛在肩上。

3 do not swim or engage in other water sports or activities. Should not remain in the swimming pool, beach, lake, paddy field, and the boat. Not suitable for outdoor sports. In the open space should not hold up an umbrella. Not a hoe, shovel, badminton rackets, fishing rod, golf clubs and other on the shoulders.

4. 当感觉到身体有电荷时,如头发竖起,或者皮肤有显著颤动感时,要明白自己可能就要受到电击,应立刻倒在地上,等雷电过后,呼叫别人救护。

4 feel physically charge, such as hair, or significant skin flu fibrillation, understand that you may have received an electric shock, should immediately fell to the ground, such as thunder and lightning after the ambulance call others.

5. 雷雨天气应该留在室内,关好门窗;在野外无法躲入有防雷设施的建筑物内时,要将手表、眼镜等金属物品摘掉,千万不要在离电源、大树和电杆较近的地方避雨;

5 the thunderstorm weather should stay indoors, shut the doors and windows; in the wild can not have mine duoru facilities within the building, to watch, glasses and other metal items removed, not from the power supply, the tree and pole is close to shelter from the rain;

6. 尽量降低身体的高度,以减少直接雷击的危险,双脚要尽量靠近,与地面接触越小愈好,以减少“跨步电压”。野外更好的防护场所是洞穴、沟渠、峡谷或高大树丛下面的林间空地;

6 as far as possible to reduce the height of the body, to reduce the risk of a direct lightning stroke, the feet should be as close as possible to the *** aller, the better contact with the ground, in order to reduce the "step voltage". The field the best protection place is the cave, ditches, canyon or tall trees below the glade;

7. 不宜使用无防雷措施或防雷措施不足的电视、音响等电器。不要靠近打开的门窗、金属管道。要拔掉电器用具插头,关上电器和天然气开关。切忌使用电吹风、电动剃须刀等。不宜使用水龙头。

7 is the use of lightning protection lightning protection measures are inadequate TV, stereo and other electrical appliances. The doors and windows, metal pipes do not close the open. To unplug the appliance plug, electrical and natural gas off the switch. Avoid the use of hair dryers, electric shavers. Not to use the taps.

8. 不宜骑马、骑自行车、驾驶摩托车和敝蓬拖拉机。汽车往往是极好的避雷设施,因有屏蔽作用。即使闪电击中汽车,也不会伤人。

8 not on horseback, riding a bicycle, motorcycle and convertible tractor. The car is often the lightning protection facilities excellent, due to shielding effect. Even if the lightning hit the car, it would not hurt.


The unit should be how to prevent lightning disasters

1. 单位应定期由有资质的专业防雷检测机构检测防雷设施,评估防雷设施是否符合国家规范要求;

1 units should regularly by qualified professional testing organizations mine detection of lightning protection, lightning protection facilities to assess compliance with the requirements of national standard;

2. 单位应设立防范雷电灾害责任人负责防雷安全工作,建立各项防雷安全工作规范,建立各项防雷设施的定期检测制度。雷雨后要进行安全检查,做好设施的日常维护工作。如雷雨过后,应检查安装在 *** 程控交换机、电脑等电器设备电源和信号线上的过压保护器有无损坏,发现损坏时应及时更换;

2 units should be set up to prevent lightning disaster responsible person shall be responsible for the work of mine safety, establish the mine work safety norms, the regular establishment of the mine detection system facilities. After the thunderstorm to carry out safety inspection, do the day-to-day maintenance of facilities. If after the thunderstorm, should check the installation of overvoltage protector in power supply electrical equipment telephone program-controlled switches, computer and signal line is damaged, found damaged should be replaced promptly;

3. 建设单位在防雷设施的设计和建设时,应根据地质、土壤、气象、环境、被保护物的特点以及雷电活动规律等因素综合考虑,采用安全可靠、技术先进、经济合理的设计施工方式;3lian.com/

3 construction units in the mine design and construction facilities, should according to the geology, soil, weather, environment, protection factors of material characteristics and rules of lightning activity and other factors, the use of safe and reliable, advanced technology, reasonable design and construction method; 3lian.com/

4. 应采用技术和质量均符合国家标准的防雷设备、器件、器材,避免使用非标准防雷产品和器件;

4 lightning protection equipment, devices, equipment using the technology and quality are in line with national standards, to avoid the use of non-standard lightning protection products and devices;

5. 新增加建设和新增加安装设备应同时对防雷系统进行重新设计和建设,如重新铺设电脑 *** 线、室外天线的移位和加高等都应该重新设计和建设防雷设施;

5 new building and new equipment should be installed at the same time to re design and construction of lightning protection system, such as the re laying of computer network line shift, outdoor antenna and higher should re design and construction of mine facilities;

.6. 雷灾发生时应及时向有关部门上报情况,以便及时处理,避免再次遭受雷击。

.6. lightning occurs should be timely to the relevant departments to report, so that timely treatment, avoid to suffer lightning strike


禁止通行(No passing) 禁止钓鱼(No fishing)禁止用手机(Prohibit the use of mobile phone)

禁止养狗(That ban dogs)

希望对你有用 望采纳~!!




如果你在室内,雷雨天气远离窗户和门;不要淋浴或者清洗相关的事情,因为水可以导电。关掉电视和电脑;我付出沉重代价才明白这件事,我的电脑已经坏了;不要用手机,雷电也可以通过 *** 线击到你。




“雷雨天气禁止使用手机的英语(在恶劣的雷雨天气英文)” 的相关文章

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2年前 (2022-06-20)

tional standard;2. 单位应设立防范雷电灾害责任人负责防雷安全工作,建立各项防雷安全工作规范,建立各项防雷设施的定期检测制度。雷雨后要进行安全检查,做好设施的日常维护工作。如雷雨过后,应检查安装在电话程控交换机、电脑等

2年前 (2022-06-20)

lightning protection system, such as the re laying of computer network line shift, outdoor antenna and higher should re design and cons

2年前 (2022-06-20)

ther metal items removed, not from the power supply, the tree and pole is close to shelter from the rain;6. 尽量降低身体的高度,以减少直接雷击的危险,双脚要尽量靠近,

2年前 (2022-06-20)

e doors and windows, metal pipes do not close the open. To unplug the appliance plug, electrical and

2年前 (2022-06-20)

ing, to watch, glasses and other metal items removed, not from the power supply, the tree and pole is clos


