Tell me about the weather in Shanghai for Christmas.
How is the weather in Shanghai?
勤学好问 天天进步!
Shanghai lies in the south of China. In spring, the weather is changeable.
Sometimes it's very cold, sometimes it's very warm. In summer, it becomes hotter
and hotter. The highest temperatureis over 40℃. The autumn in Shanghai is very
nice.It's neither cold nor hot. The winter in Shanghai isn't very cold.It seldom
snows. But most of the children look forward to a white Christmas.
Feels Like: 27°
Barometer: 30.39 in and steady
Humidity: 83%
Visibility: 2.17 mi
Dewpoint: 23°
Wind: Calm
Sunrise: 6:54 am
Sunset: 5:03 pm
Today: Sunny. High 47F. Winds light and variable.
Tonight: Mainly clear. Low 37F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow: Mainly sunny. High near 50F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow night: A mostly clear sky. Low 37F. Winds light and variable.
Saturday: Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the upper 30s.
Sunday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the upper 30s.
Monday: Few showers. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the low 40s.
上海的天气(The Weather in Shanghai)
Shanghai lies in the south of China. In spring, the weather is changeable. Sometimes it's very cold, sometimes it's very warm. In summer, it becomes hotter and hotter. the highest temperature is over 40~C. the autumn in Shanghai is very nice.It's neither cold nor hot. the winter in Shanghai isn't very cold.It seldom snows. But most of the children look forward to a white Christmas
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