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英语作文 题目:Does bad weather account for bad mood(坏天气会导致坏心情吗?)

Does bad weather account for bad mood

How do you feel when you are on a beautiful sunny day? And when the sky begins to turn gray, does your mood turn blue? Some people think that bad weather account for bad mood, but some other people don't think so. In my opinion, bad weather may affect people's mood, especially when someone is already in a depressed mood or be lonely and isolated. But it is not for all the people.

Personally, I think a rainy day is wonderful, it's a good opportunity to sit in the sofa with my favorite chips and watch a movie. If it is only a drizzle, I'd rather take a walk with my best friend without umbrellas! Well, I also like sunny days, it makes me feel warm and full of energy.

However, If there are too many overcast days, I will start to feel a bit sluggish; and too many sunny days will make me really bored. So, I think whether your mood is bad or good has nothing to do with the weather; or has to do with different personality.

What I want is it would be great if I can switch the weather for my mood.

哇~~手都打酸了, 自己辛苦一字一句打的, 参考看看吧~

帮我写一篇 天气会影响我的心情 英语作文


Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.


Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.


I think weather can affect our mood. For example, when it is sunny outside, I will be very happy because i can play with my friends on the playground. Everything looks great. But if it is raining, everything is on the opposite side. Outside the house, the sky is grey, so I am more easily to be ill-mooded. That's why i think weather will affect our emotion.




today ia Monday.The weather is beautiful. then,it can with in a good mood.And my english teacher is beautiful and friendly .like this weather.Im crazy about english.But don't good .im alittle bit Introverted. i like art and music very much .on the way of life .im slowly .But i had never retreated,So I think i can better In students and teacher's help




“坏天气会导致坏心情吗英语作文(坏天气和坏心情英文)” 的相关文章

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2年前 (2022-06-27)

ke sunny days, it makes me feel warm and full of energy. However, If there are too many overcast days, I will start to feel a bit sluggish; a

2年前 (2022-06-27)

er take a walk with my best friend without umbrellas! Well, I also like sunny days, it makes me feel warm and full of

2年前 (2022-06-28)

n a depressed mood or be lonely and isolated. But it is not for all the people. Personally, I think a rainy day is wonderful, it's a go

2年前 (2022-06-27)

r all the people. Personally, I think a rainy day is wonderful, it's a good opportunity to sit in the sofa with my favo

2年前 (2022-06-28)

ys will make me really bored. So, I think whether your mood is bad or good has nothing t


