What's the weather like in Beijing?
It will be big sunny day from Monday to Wednesday,with the temperature from xxx and up to xxx and the wind level xx.
On Thursday there will be a bit of shower sometimes.
The temperature will be xxxx.
Friday will be a cloudy day and Saturday will be a showery day again, so don't forget to take your umbrella with you.
On Sunday it will turn from cloudy to sunny at last.
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Here's the weather report from CCTV:As you can see now it's starting to be cloudy,so for those of you who went out today I suggest you to bring an umbrella or change your plan as it seems to be a heavy rain.The temperatures today will be at 22°c-30°c.
Well for tomorrow the temperatures will be around 24°c-32°c.It may still rain at the morning,but be patient cause there will always be a sunny day after the rain.At afternoon you will have a clear sky and you may go for outdoors activities and enjoy the rainbow.
And that's all for today's weather forecast report.
Today is April 14, 2010, Tuesday
Warmer weather in Beijing today, the highest diffuse degrees during the day at the minimum night temperature of 13 ℃ low temperature 2 ℃. Breeze, large temperature difference between day and night, pay attention to the appropriate plus or minus clothing.
Sunday Feb 9 day
Sunny High: -1℃(30℉) 12km/h
Sunny Low: -10℃(14℉) 12km/h
Monday Feb 10 day
Sunny High: 0℃(32℉) 12km/h
Sunny Low: -10℃(14℉) 12km/h
Tuesday Feb 11 day
Sunny High: 1℃(34℉) 12km/h
Cloudy Low: -8℃(18℉) 12km/h
Clothes: Frigid
In this chilly weather,It’s advised that you can wear winter clothes such as thick down jackets,fur coats and thick sweaters.The elder and the weak are especially advised to pay attention to keep warm.
Travel: Compartively Suitable
Fine weather with mild wind,bright sun,and breeze along with your travel; It’s a little cold,which is relatively suitable for travel.You can still enjoy the beauty of the natural scenery.
The weather forecast of / in Beijing / Beijing's weather forecast北京的天气预报
The temperature is -8 to -2(minus eight to minus two)degrees Celsius with cloudy weather.气温零下8至零下2摄氏度,天气多云。
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