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hacker2年前 (2022-07-10)网站入侵62



Paddy: Very bizarre(=weird) weather we’re having isn’t it?


Jim: It’s like four seasons in one day!


Paddy: Thunderstorms one minute, sunshine the next, then it’s freezing cold. That’s not right in March!


Jim: It’s really humid(adj.潮湿的) today isn’t it?


Paddy: I think it has something to do with climate change.


Jim: What do you mean?


Paddy: Hotter summers, colder winters. Weather is going to extremes all over the world.


Jim: You might be right there. Governments need to stop thinking about endless economic growth. We only have one world!

吉姆:这点说得有些道理。 *** 机构们不应该只关心无止境的经济增长!我们只有一个地球。 Dialogue 1: 1对话:George: What’s the weather like in Beijing? George: 北京的天气怎样? Yong Mei: Well in the winter it's really cold and in the summer it's really hot. Yong Mei: 冬天特冷,夏天特热。 George: And what's the weather like there at the moment? George: 眼下天起如何呢? Yong Mei: I think it’s still quite warm, but a bit rainy too. John: 眼下还挺暖和的,不过有点阴雨天。 Dialogue 2: 2对话:Chen: What’s the weather forecast for the weekend? Chen: 周末的天气预报如何? Sam: It’s going to be cold tonight and freezing on Saturday. Sam: 今天夜里很寒冷,星期六将有霜冻。 Chen: What about on Sunday? Chen: 星期日怎么样? Sam: It’s getting worse; it’s going to be windy and maybe even snowy. /SPAN


1. 西方人,特别是英国人,见面时常常把天气作为话题。一方面十天气的好坏对人们的生活影响很大,另一方面则是由于天气是一个中性话题,可避免一些敏感话题。谈论天气不仅能活跃气氛、打破冷场,还可以借此引出新的话题。 2. 在谈论温度时,中国人习惯用摄氏(C),欧美人习惯用华氏(F),请注意它们之间的区别。摄氏的零度相当于华氏的32度。 3. 英美人在谈论天气时常常使用一些程度副词来体现感 *** 彩,如:beautifully,terribly, awfully, bitterly, extremely, horribly或dreadfully等。 Idiomatic Sentences(功能套语) 1. It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy. 今天是晴天/雨天/阴天。 3. It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。 4. It’s raining cats and dogs. 正是瓢泼大雨。 5. It seems to be cleaning up. 天似乎要转晴。 6. It’s blowing hard. 风刮得很大。 7. It’s snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。 8. The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。 9. It’s very foggy. 雾很大。 10. The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。 11. It’s thundering and lightening. 雷电交加。 14. It’s quite different from the weather report. 这和天气预报相差很大。 15. It’s rather changeable. 天气变化无常。


I am freezing, I am so cold, look at my hands, they are purple, oh my God, am I going to die? I can't feel anything, I feel like sleeping, please, somebody turn the fxking heater on

用英语表达 恶劣的天气现象及其影响,再谈谈自己的经历

weather affects our moods very much , especially bad weather like heavy rain , sandstorm and heat . When there is heavy rain , the sky is dark and I am often in a bad mood . feeling sad and worried , but I myself don't know what I am concerned about .Years ago when there was a big rain , I got more and more impatient walking up and down though I was free , I began to feel better only when the rain was at an end .


1. What is the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

2. How is the weather today / tomorrow ? 今天/明天天气怎么样

3. What is the temperature ? 今天的温度是多少?

4. Do you think it will rain / snow ? 你认为会下雨/雪吗?

5. It is subzero today. 今天的气温在零度以下

6. The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow .天气预报说明天有雨

7. I don't set store by weather forecast . 我认为天气预报靠不住

8. It rains a lot here in summer. 这里的夏天经常下雨

9. It’s a warm day today. 今天天气真暖和!

10. It’s a lovely day ! 天气很好呀

11. The weather is better than yesterday. 今天天气比昨天要好

12. It’s rather cold and windy today. 今天风又大又冷

13. It’s about 6 degrees centigrade today. 今天大约6度左右

14. The radio says it is going to rain tomorrow . 广播说明天会下雨

15. It is rather dry in Beijing . 北京的天气很干燥。

16. It’s very hot .天气真热呀

17. Nice and bright today ! 今天阳光明媚!




“谈论最近天气冷以及危害英语表达(天气冷的英语表达)” 的相关文章

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en: What’s the weather forecast for the weekend? Chen: 周末的天气预报如何? Sam: It’s going to be cold tonight and freez

2年前 (2022-07-11)

得很大。7. It’s snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。8. The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。9. It’s very foggy. 雾很大。10. The fog is beginning t


