Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.
Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.
英语翻译:Do you think that the weather will affect your mood or not ?
*Hormone levels-and hence our moods- may be affected by the weather.
Gloony weather can cause depression, but sunshine appears to raise
the spirits.
你在网上下载剑桥雅思3,p69 的文章就是你要的,嘿嘿,要是有用的话,记得给我分昂。。。
weather affects people mood
Weather is very important for British people. If it is too cold, we will be unwilling to move. If it is too hot, we will get tired easily. Even if it is rainy, we feel happy, we may say:" Rainy day, isn't it?" "Yes, it is rainy hard, but it isn't cold".Weather can be the same,but people have different moods, so they will use weather to express their feelings or moods.
I like sunny day because I can go out with my friends.
I think weather can affect our mood. For example, when it is sunny outside, I will be very happy because i can play with my friends on the playground. Everything looks great. But if it is raining, everything is on the opposite side. Outside the house, the sky is grey, so I am more easily to be ill-mooded. That's why i think weather will affect our emotion.
Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.
Sometimes the weather will affect my mood.
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