Not all countries require companies to have a detailed description of their business scope when setting up. However%2c business scope is necessary in China. Although the registration department has loosened the business scope in recent years%2c specification and detailed description is necessary.
经营范围是指国家允许企业生产和经营的商品类别、品种及服务项目。企业的经营范围,会在 *** 的公示平台中显示。
Business Scope refers to the categories%2c varieties and service items of commodities that the state allows enterprises to produce and operate. The business scope of the enterprise will be displayed on the government’s public announcement platform.
With the deepening of commercial reform%2c although the Business License also has a statement on main business%2c the local industrial and commercial administration departments have begun to downplay the concept of main business and concurrent operation. Restrictions on business scope have also been liberalized. Except some projects involving special licenses%2c other general projects allow investors to freely choose and voluntarily register. So what should you pay attention to when choosing business scopes?
1. 先发散再归总:先把企业需要经营的项目全部罗列,然后再根据《国民经济行业分类》或各地工商系统的分类,对号入座;
Diverge and converge: First%2c list all the projects that the enterprise needs to operate%2c and then categorize them according to the National Economy Industry Classification or the local industrial and commercial systems.
2. 宁滥勿缺:只要不涉及特殊许可的经营范围,宁愿多选,为自己创造更多主动性;
More is better: Choose a wider business scope except for those specially permitted%2c and you won’t put yourself into a passive situation in certain circumstances.
3. 结合发票考虑:比如说某些客户要求发票的上的货物或服务名称必须是他们指定的类别,那么在填写经营范围时,就要选上相关类别;
Taking invoice into consideration: For example%2c if some customers require that the goods or service names on the invoice must be of the category they specify%2c then the relevant category should be selected when filling out the business scope.
4. 结合税种考虑:如果业务流程中,既有产品销售,也有服务收入或运输服务,那么在经营范围中一定要选择相应的类别,否则公司成立后核定不了相应的税种。
Taking tax category into consideration: If there are both product sales and service income or transportation services in the business process%2c then the corresponding category must be selected in the business scope%2c otherwise the corresponding tax will not be approved after the company is established.
1. 必须在章程中阐明:《公司法》规定,经营范围由《公司章程》规定,不能超越章程规定进行工商登记。
Must be stated in the Articles of Association: The Company Law stipulates that the scope of business shall be formulated by the Articles of Association and we shall not register exceeding this scope.
2. 必须依法登记:必须到工商登记部门办理登记。
Must be registered legally: Registration at industrial and commercial registration department is required.
3. 商事公示:经营范围将会在全商事公示平台进行公示。
Commercial disclosure: The business scope will be publicized on the national commercial publicity platform.
4. 前置和后置审批:经营范围一般分为“一般经营项目”、“前置经营项目”和“后置经营项目”,一般经营项目只需直接登记,如普通商品批发;前置经营项目需要领取了相关行业许可后才能登记,如《药品经营许可证》;后置经营项目是登记并领取了营业执照后,需要拿到相关行业许可方可经营,如《食品经营许可证》。
Pre- and post-approval: The business scope is generally divided into “general business projects”%2c “pre-operating projects” and “post-operating projects”. General business projects only need to be registered directly%2c such as ordinary commodity wholesale. For pre-operating projects%2c relevant industry license such as Pharmaceutical Business License needs to be obtained before registering. For post-operation projects%2c after registration and receiving a business license%2c you need to obtain the relevant industry license to operate%2c such as the “Food Business License”.
According to the “Company Law” and the “General Principles of Civil Law”%2c if an enterprise engages in commercial activities beyond the scope of its business%2c in addition to the company’s liability%2c the legal representative or main person in charge shall be given administrative sanctions and fines. If it constitutes a crime%2c it needs to be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.
Why is it that “beyond the scope of business” will be held criminally liable so serious? For example%2c a medical equipment sales company needs to have “medical equipment sales” in its business scope and should apply for a “medical equipment sales license”. If not%2c the products sold infringe the lives of customers and may be held criminally responsible.
如上述提及,只要企业登记在经营范围中的类别,都可以合法经营经营活动,那为何在一些城市的营业执照中,还保有“主营类别”或“行业类别”的登记呢?一方面是用于 *** 的统计,另一方面也是企业对外展现“企业气质“的途径,说白了,就是我怎么用一个词告诉外界我是干啥的。
As mentioned above%2c a company can operate legally within the business scope they have registered. But why there are still “main business category” and “industry category” registration in some cities’ business license? On the one hand%2c it is used for government statistics%2c on the other hand%2c it is also the way for enterprises to display “enterprise temperament”. To put it bluntly%2c how do I use a word to tell the outside world what industry I am engaged in.
According to the common industry classification%2c here we list the following industries:
批发业Wholesale industry
商务服务业Business services
软件和信息技术服务业Software and information technology services
租赁业Leasing industry
居民服务业Residential service industry
金融业Financial industry
房地产业Real estate industry
建筑业Construction industry
畜牧业Animal hu *** andry
在中国大陆注册公司,必须要列明经营范围,而且范围需要在 *** 部门登记。企业的经营范围会在 *** 的公示平台进行公示,如果公司超出经营范围从事商业活动,可能会遭到罚款,构造犯罪的,还可能会直接被追究刑事责任。
To register a company in China%2c the business scope must be specified%2c and the scope must be registered with the government department%2c it will be publicized on the government’s public announcement platform. If the company engages in commercial activities beyond the business scope%2c it may be fined%2c and if a crime is constituted%2c it may also be directly held criminally responsible.
Therefore%2c the business scope of design requires a combination of their own%2c with legal%2c tax and market trends to consider%2c if you have any questions%2c please consult GBAA.
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