The city weather forecast: today it's cloudy turn less cloud, the highest temperature of 1 degrees Celsius minimum gas
Four degrees below zero are expected to hope to cloudy little wind temperature changes in this area is not much
英语可以在线翻译的。(温馨提示:普卫欣美国进口天 猫有效防止雾霾吸入)
Beijing's Weather
The climate in Beijing is of the continental type, with cold and dry winters, due to the Siberian air massses that move southward across the Mongolian Plateau. The summers are hot owing to warm and humid monsoon winds from the southeast bringing Beijing most of its annual precipitation. January is the coldest month and July is the warmest. Winter usually begins towards the end of October. The summer months, June to August, are wet and hot with about 40% of the annual precipitation.
There are four seasons in a year.一年中有四个季节。
They are spring, summer, fall and winter。它们是春、夏、秋、冬。
I like spring。 It is warm。 It often rains。 我喜欢春天。暖和,经常下雨。
I can plant trees and flowers in spring。我可以在春天种树,种花。
The spring is green。春天是绿色的。
Summer is very hot。夏天很热。
I can swim in the river。我可以在河里游泳。
Summer is red。夏天是红色的。
Fall is a good season。 秋天是个不错的季节。
I can fly kites in fall。我可以在秋天放风筝。
I can eat many apples too。我也可以吃很多苹果。
Fall is yellow。 秋天是黄色的。
Winter is cold。冬天很冷。经常下雪。
It often snows. I wish I can make a snowman in winter。我希望我可以在冬天堆雪人。
Winter is white。冬天是白色的。
I love all the seasons, because they are beautiful。我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美
I live in beijing.The beijing is China of capital.The beijing is a beautiful city.The weather is warm and lovely in beijing.In spring,the weather is warn,windy and cloudy.I often fly kites at the park.In summer,the weather is sunny,hot and dry.I sometimes go swimming in sea.In fall,the weather is cool,cloudy and windy.I usually take a walk in the park after dinner.My favourite season is winter,beause I can play and make a snowman in the snow. I love the weather in beijing,beause it's comfortable very much。
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